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  • CTC Cable

CTC Cable

Update Terakhir
13 / 12 / 2019
Min. Pembelian
1 Unit
Dilihat Sebanyak
63 kali



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Detail CTC Cable

Recognizing the enormous challenge of increasing transmission line capacity, mitigating thermal sag, and improving conductor efficiency, CTC, of Irvine, California, USA, ( now CTC Global) began developing the patented ACCC® conductor in 2002. The objective was to develop a conductor that could be used to upgrade existing transmission corridors without structural modifications. This objective relied on the incorporation of highly evolved aerospace technology and materials science to create a new higher-strength, lighter-weight core that could incorporate additional conductive aluminum without a weight or diameter penalty, and be utilized to reduce thermal sag, increase spans between fewer structures, carry more current, reduce line losses and improve grid reliability. After an extensive R& D, testing and installation trials effort, CTC went on to develop ISO certified manufacturing techniques and tooling to allow the cost-effective and continuous production of the pultruded composite core. To date, the ACCC conductor has been deployed to over 200 project sites, globally.
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